Wevo PLATFORT Retail is the most advance system for B2B discount management.
The Retail or Producing Companies can use this app to define, create its own Discount System.
- Manage discounted products and services
- Manage Customers Contracts, invoices, payments
- Manage contract restrictions in your B2B system
A Business-to-Business (B2B) discount system refers to a structured approach that businesses use to offer price reductions or incentives to other businesses when purchasing packages of goods or services.

B2B discount systems are common in various industries and play a crucial role in building and maintaining strong relationships between businesses.
Tipe of discounts assured by Wevo PLATFORT Retail App:
- Tiered Pricing: Implement a tiered pricing structure based on the quantity or volume of products purchased.
- Contractual Agreements: Establish long-term contractual agreements with B2B clients. These agreements can include negotiated discounts based on the duration of the contract, the estimated order volume, or other factors.
- Volume Discounts: Offer discounts based on the total purchase volume over a specified time period (e.g., monthly, quarterly, annually).
- Early Payment Discounts: Encourage prompt payment by providing discounts to B2B customers who pay their invoices early.
- Seasonal or Promotional Discounts.
- Bundle Discounts: Bundle related products or services together and offer a discount when purchased as a package.
- Preferred Customer Discounts: Reward loyal and long-standing B2B customers with special discounts or privileges.
- Customized Pricing.
Wevo PLATFORT can monitoring and analysis the performance of your B2B discount system, adjust the impact of discounts on revenue, profit margins, and customer retention.