Wevo PLATFORT is the most advance system for fleet cards management.
Any Downstream Company can be a Fleet Card issuer at one click ahead: define, create, print its own Fleet Card (MSR and Contactless).
- Manage products and services allowed on any Fleet Card
- Manage Fleet Cards Customers Contracts, invoices, payments
- Manage card restrictions in the petrol station network

The WEVO PLATFORT – Fleet Management System app ensures:
- Transaction with international fleet cards - DKV, EuroWAG, UTA, AS24, SOCAR, Affinity - available immediately; and EuroShell, LogPay until December 2023.
- Client management (on request)
- Transactions with client cards (on request)
- Customer Management
- Contract Management:
- Credit
- Debit
- Types of discounts implemented:
- Volume discount: monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, annually
- Discount for certain stations
- Positive discount
- Negative discount (plus pump price)
- Discounts plus pump price
- Group discounts – optional
- Uniform group discount
- Non-uniform group discount with beneficiary
- Various combinations of these types of discounts
- Automated transaction invoicing system based on contract details
- Electronic signature of invoices issued (for invoices issued from Romania) - optional
- Payment Management
- Customers Fleet WEB Portal
- Online Transaction Verification
- Financial balance
- Download electronically signed invoices
- Card Limits Management
- Card status management
- Activation, PIN Management fleet cards
- Mobile payment – virtual card on the phone
- GPS location
- Pay/Prepay System
- Automatic customer notification system
- Invoice issuance
- Invoices close to expiration
- Flat registration
- Card transactions
- Contracts close to the maximum limit
- 2FA for secure operations
- Integrated products and services
- Customer contracts, invoices and payments
- Network card restrictions
- Any WEVO PLATFORT customer can manage it’s own card limits from the Customer WEB Portal
- Fleet managers can fully manage the status of the cards (Active/Inactive, Permanently/temporarily blocked, Activation of issued card, PIN Management, Cards Re-issue)
- Secure transactions and operations using level 1,2,3 EMV devices
- Advanced operational and financial analyzes for any Wevo PLATFORT Customer on the WEB Customer Portal
- Sales reports
Optionally, a notification system by email and/or SMS can be used.
The entire WEVO PLATFORT system is delivered as SaaS and IaaS, which covers after the "Go Live" phase all necessary HW and SW maintenance and support services.
The architecture is scaled based on the number of individual H2H connectors and the number of networks managed by the individual System instance.
The system complies with the latest card transactions standards, we use EMV Level 1,2,3 certified equipment for: PIN encryption, PIN verification, PIN Mailing, MAC generation and verification.
Access to the Authorization Center is through IPSEC VPN tunnels and ensuring redundancy of each service.
The 24/7 Support/Maintenance service can be accessed optionally.